Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Sometimes then, with Mrs True, 
I baked rock cakes and Katie Krispies;
in the chatter of the old mobile units
I learnt how to use my thumbs to flick,
fingertips made crumbs. Eventually.

Her bright pink lips, would twitch,
when we spilt sugar, or dared
to burn the scones.

Now my niece, aged 9,
reaches up on tip toe,
stirs the uncooked chocolate cake;
the 7 year old
finds a footstool, waits
to learn about folding,
her hands impatient to try.

I think about cooking class
and how my mother would smile
when I brought home offerings.

I'm also wondering
if my lips twitch
like True.

Monday, 30 May 2011

9 POEMS: Poetry at The 90 Day Cafe

"I'll leave the chocolate until the morning - almond in the afternoon" 

The 90 Day Cafe in Birmingham City Centre, has established itself as a quirky independent venue with fantastic cakes and great coffee (organic and fairtrade). The first time I wandered in, enticed by the colourful burst of cupcakes in the window, I felt welcome and my fingertips tingled. Hmmm not everyone's reaction to a cafe. But it meant I needed to write.

It's been a while, but I found myself scribbling again. Something about the school desks -  local artists on the walls; the gentle buzz of an order on the go; the clean wooden floors; decisions, no more straining than 'rocky road' or 'raspberry cupcakes'; the kitchen radio crooning 'After Midnight'; a student gently slurping through a straw as she finished an essay; customers' voices fluttering over and under the breeze escaping into the blue light of the Great Western arcade - all this loosened the tightness in my brain and words had to find paper. The comfort of coffee and cake is not be underestimated ;-) 

I went away thinking: 'this is a great venue for a poetry group'. The thought wouldn't go away. I'm a teacher and sometimes a poet; but I am always a poetry enthusiast, so I had to gather my words and return to speak to the owners Tara and Chris. Over rows of golden cupcakes we agreed to a new venture: a poetry discussion group called '9 poems'. Eventually we will run an open mic spot for anyone to participate in or just be there and enjoy. 

We hope to meet on the last Thursday of the month in a relaxed and convivial setting, where there will be delicious cakes and coffee available.  The first meet-up will be on the 30 June -  at 6.30pm. The poems to be discussed will be posted here soon! 

Chris: I've been coached by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu!
Tara: In what? In your dreams! You should sort it out...What would happen if you woke up tomorrow and we didn't exist?