My mother would have had my guts for garters
— eating cream cake in public!
But now it’s permissible to buy a bottle of Volvic
and drink it at a bus stop.
Snap back seats,
especially made to snap back
— on the disabled!
I’m going to stop talking.
Everyone is looking at me.
What is that old woman doing?
Making a fool of myself —
just trying to keep my spirits up.
That’s all, you see,
you have to — or life is just too depressing.
I went to London.
Discovered that I
can no longer use
the escalators.
They’ve speeded them up,
or slowed me down.
Of course the ‘thing’
you hold on to, moves too.
Absolutely murderous!
I usually go up every six weeks
but I haven’t been in a while.
First time in three years.
I’ve been so ill.
I went to two exhibitions.
I was blown off Blackfriars Bridge.
Such a wind!
Hobbling along thinking —
I’ll never make it.
I never will.